Poly(1-butene) (PB-1)

Short Information:

  • Poly(1-butene) (PB-1) is a thermoplastic polymer formed by polymerizing butene, a hydrocarbon with four carbon atoms, using a catalyst.
  • It is a semi-crystalline material, combining the characteristics of both crystalline and amorphous polymers.
  • PB-1 exhibits excellent transparency, making it an ideal choice for applications where optical clarity is crucial.
  • It also offers high resistance to impact, chemicals, and UV radiation, making it suitable for outdoor and demanding environments.
  • PB-1 is often used in the production of films, particularly for food packaging, due to its excellent barrier properties and resistance to permeation.

Additionally, it finds applications in pipes, tubes, and various molded parts that require a balance of mechanical properties and processability.


Abbreviation: PB-1

Poly(1-butene) (PB-1) is a type of synthetic polymer derived from the polymerization of 1-butene monomers. It belongs to the family of polyolefins, which includes other well-known plastics like polyethylene and polypropylene. PB-1 is a relatively new addition to the family of polyolefins and possesses unique properties that make it suitable for specific applications.

Poly(1-butene) is valued for its unique combination of properties, providing an alternative to other polyolefins and plastics in specific applications where its distinct features are advantageous.