Polyethyleneimine (PEI)

Abbreviation: PEI

Polyethyleneimine (PEI) is a highly versatile and commercially significant polymer with unique properties. It is a type of linear polymer containing repeating units of ethyleneimine monomers. PEI is valued for its excellent adhesion, high reactivity, and exceptional cationic properties, which make it suitable for various applications in different industries.

Short Information:

  • Polyethyleneimine (PEI) is a linear polymer composed of repeating units of ethyleneimine monomers.
  • It possesses strong cationic properties, meaning it carries a positive charge when dissolved in water or other polar solvents.
  • PEI is commonly used as a versatile adhesive in various applications, including bonding metals, plastics, and other materials.
  • It finds applications in the production of paper, textiles, and as a wet-strength additive due to its adhesion and reactivity characteristics.
  • PEI is also utilized in the field of biotechnology and biomedical research as a DNA and RNA transfection reagent.
  • It serves as a crosslinking agent in certain resins and coatings, contributing to enhanced mechanical properties.

The unique cationic properties and adhesive nature of Polyethyleneimine (PEI) make it a valuable material in multiple industries, ranging from adhesive applications to biotechnology and beyond. Its versatility and reactivity have led to its adoption in various fields, making it a commercially significant polymer.