Technical Resources

Technical Understanding of Plastic

Technical Understanding of Plastic (Part 1)
Technical Understanding of Plastic (Part 2)
Dyes – Know How

MFR stands for Melt Flow Rate, and MFI stands for Melt Flow Index. They are both measures of the flowability or viscosity of plastic resin when it is melted and extruded through a standardized orifice under controlled conditions.

MFR is typically expressed in grams per 10 minutes (g/10 min), while MFI is expressed in grams per minute (g/min). The tests are conducted according to specific ASTM or ISO standards.

The MFR/MFI values are essential for understanding how the plastic resin will behave during processing, such as injection molding or extrusion. Lower MFR/MFI values indicate higher viscosity and slower flow, while higher values indicate lower viscosity and faster flow.

These measurements help manufacturers ensure consistent processing and quality of plastic products. It's worth noting that different plastics may have different ideal MFR/MFI values depending on their specific properties and intended applications.

Definition: The tensile modulus of elasticity, also known as Young's modulus (E), is a material property that quantifies how much a material will deform under tensile (pulling) stress. It describes the material's ability to resist elastic deformation and return to its original shape once the applied force is removed.

Measurement: The tensile modulus is determined through tensile testing, where a sample of the plastic material is subjected to an increasing tensile force until it deforms. The elongation and stress-strain behavior of the material are measured during the test, and Young's modulus is calculated as the ratio of stress to strain within the linear elastic region of the stress-strain curve.

Units: The unit of measurement for Young's modulus is typically megapascals (MPa) or gigapascals (GPa). These units represent the force (stress) per unit area (strain) and are used to quantify the material's stiffness.

Importance: Young's modulus is a critical parameter in engineering and design, especially when designing structures that involve plastic materials. It helps engineers understand how much a plastic component will deform under different loads, ensuring that the material's properties are appropriate for the intended application.

Variability: The tensile modulus of elasticity can vary significantly among different types of plastics. For example, rigid plastics like polyethylene terephthalate (PET) or polystyrene (PS) tend to have higher values of Young's modulus compared to more flexible plastics like polyethylene (PE) or polypropylene (PP).


Temperature and Moisture Sensitivity: The tensile modulus of plastic can also be affected by temperature and moisture. Some plastics may become stiffer or more flexible with changes in environmental conditions, which needs to be considered in engineering applications.


In summary, the tensile modulus of elasticity in plastic is a fundamental material property that characterizes its stiffness and ability to resist deformation under tensile forces. It plays a crucial role in engineering applications to ensure that plastic components perform as intended and withstand the applied loads effectively.

Tensile strength at yield, often referred to as yield strength, is a crucial mechanical property of plastics that measures the maximum amount of stress a material can withstand before it starts to deform plastically (permanently) without any increase in load. It marks the transition point from elastic to plastic deformation.


The yield strength is typically expressed in megapascals (MPa) or pounds per square inch (psi) and can vary significantly depending on the type of plastic and its specific formulation.


When a plastic material is subjected to a tensile force, it will initially undergo elastic deformation, meaning it will return to its original shape once the force is removed. However, as the stress on the plastic continues to increase, it eventually reaches a point where the plastic starts to deform permanently, and this is the yield strength.


Yield strength is an important property in engineering design, as it helps determine the safe working limits of a plastic material. It is particularly relevant for applications where the plastic component experiences constant or varying loads, such as in structural engineering or manufacturing industries.


Keep in mind that the yield strength of plastic can be affected by various factors, including temperature, strain rate, and the presence of additives or reinforcements. Therefore, it is crucial to consider these factors when evaluating the mechanical properties of plastic materials for specific applications.

Tensile strength at yield, often referred to as yield strength, is a crucial mechanical property of plastics that measures the maximum amount of stress a material can withstand before it starts to deform plastically (permanently) without any increase in load. It marks the transition point from elastic to plastic deformation.


The yield strength is typically expressed in megapascals (MPa) or pounds per square inch (psi) and can vary significantly depending on the type of plastic and its specific formulation.


When a plastic material is subjected to a tensile force, it will initially undergo elastic deformation, meaning it will return to its original shape once the force is removed. However, as the stress on the plastic continues to increase, it eventually reaches a point where the plastic starts to deform permanently, and this is the yield strength.


Yield strength is an important property in engineering design, as it helps determine the safe working limits of a plastic material. It is particularly relevant for applications where the plastic component experiences constant or varying loads, such as in structural engineering or manufacturing industries.


Keep in mind that the yield strength of plastic can be affected by various factors, including temperature, strain rate, and the presence of additives or reinforcements. Therefore, it is crucial to consider these factors when evaluating the mechanical properties of plastic materials for specific applications.

Elongation at yield is a mechanical property used to measure the ductility or flexibility of a plastic material. It represents the ability of a plastic to undergo plastic deformation, meaning it can stretch without breaking under applied stress. When a plastic is subjected to tensile forces, it will start to elongate until a specific point is called the yield point.


The elongation at yield is expressed as a percentage and is calculated by dividing the change in length at the yield point by the original length of the specimen and multiplying it by 100. For example, if a plastic sample initially measures 100 mm and elongates to 120 mm at the yield point, the elongation at yield would be (120 - 100) / 100 * 100 = 20%.


A higher elongation at yield indicates that the plastic material has better ductility and can withstand greater deformation before yielding. This is beneficial in applications where the material needs to absorb energy or undergo forming processes.


It is essential to understand the elongation at yield because it helps engineers and manufacturers determine the suitability of plastic material for specific applications. For example, materials used in flexible packaging or products subjected to impact forces should possess higher elongation at the yield to prevent fractures or failure.


Different types of plastics exhibit varying elongation at yield values due to differences in their molecular structures and chemical compositions. Manufacturers typically provide this mechanical property in material datasheets to help users make informed decisions about the appropriate plastic for their intended application.

Elongation at break is a mechanical property used to measure the flexibility and ductility of plastic materials. It quantifies the extent to which a plastic material can stretch before it breaks or fractures. In simpler terms, it measures the percentage increase in the length of the material at the point of failure compared to its original length.

To determine the elongation at break, a standardized test called the tensile test is performed. In this test, a specimen of the plastic material is pulled apart by a machine until it breaks. The test measures the force applied and the corresponding elongation until the point of rupture.

Elongation at break is expressed as a percentage, calculated using the following formula:
Elongation at Break (%) = [(Final Length - Original Length) / Original Length] x 100

For example, if a plastic sample with an original length of 100 mm stretches to 150 mm before breaking, the elongation at the break would be:

Elongation at Break (%) = [(150 - 100) / 100] x 100 = 50%

A higher elongation at break value indicates that the plastic material is more flexible and can withstand greater deformation before failure. This property is particularly important in applications where the plastic is subjected to stretching or bending forces, as it helps determine the material's ability to withstand such stresses without breaking.

Elongation at break is a crucial consideration in selecting plastic materials for various industries such as automotive, construction, packaging, and medical, where flexibility and toughness are essential for performance and safety. Different types of plastics can exhibit varying elongation at break values, making it important to choose the appropriate material based on the specific requirements of a given application.

Notched Charpy Impact is a test used to measure the toughness and impact resistance of plastics. It is a variation of the Charpy impact test, which is commonly used for metals. In the standard Charpy test, a notched specimen is subjected to a single impact from a swinging pendulum. The energy absorbed during the fracture of the specimen is measured, providing an indication of the material's resistance to brittle fracture.


For plastics, the Notched Charpy impact test involves using a notched specimen of the material, typically in the form of a rectangular or V-shaped bar. The specimen is placed on supports, and a pendulum with a striking edge swing down and strikes the notched area of the sample. The impact energy required to fracture the specimen is measured and recorded.


The presence of the notch in the specimen introduces stress concentration, simulating the effect of a sharp defect or crack, which is a common scenario in real-world applications. By including the notch, the test provides valuable information about the material's ability to withstand sudden impact and prevent catastrophic failures.


The results of the Notched Charpy impact test are usually presented in terms of the energy absorbed during fracture, often expressed in joules. Tougher plastics will absorb more energy before fracturing, indicating higher impact resistance and a greater ability to withstand sudden loads or impacts.


This test is widely used in the plastics industry to evaluate the suitability of materials for specific applications, such as in automotive components, consumer products, and various engineering applications, where impact resistance is crucial to ensure safety and performance.

The Vicat softening point is an important property used to characterize the thermal behavior of plastics. It determines the temperature at which a plastic material starts to soften under a specified load. Here are the key details about the Vicat softening point:


Test Procedure: The Vicat softening point is determined through a standardized test method, typically following ASTM D1525 or ISO 306. In this test, a pointed or flat-ended needle is applied to a plastic specimen under a constant load. The temperature is gradually increased at a specified rate until the needle penetrates a certain depth into the specimen, indicating softening.


Softening Criteria: There are two main criteria for determining the Vicat softening point: the "Vicat A" method and the "Vicat B" method. In the Vicat A method, the needle penetrates 1 mm into the specimen, while in the Vicat B method, it penetrates 1/10 of the original sample thickness.


Importance: The Vicat softening point is a crucial property for understanding a plastic material's behavior under elevated temperatures. It helps assess its suitability for various applications, as plastics used in engineering or high-temperature environments must have sufficient resistance to softening or deformation.


Applications: The Vicat softening point is particularly relevant in industries like automotive, aerospace, and electronics, where plastic components may be exposed to elevated temperatures during their service life.
Limitations: It's essential to note that the Vicat softening point is just one of many thermal properties of a plastic material. Other properties like the glass transition temperature (Tg) and heat deflection temperature (HDT) should also be considered, as they provide a more comprehensive understanding of the material's thermal performance.


Material Variability: Different types of plastics will have distinct Vicat softening points. Amorphous plastics, like polystyrene, generally have lower softening points compared to semicrystalline plastics, such as polyethylene.


In summary, the Vicat softening point is a critical thermal property used to assess the heat resistance and deformation behavior of plastic materials. Understanding this property helps engineers and manufacturers select the appropriate plastic for specific applications where elevated temperatures are a concern.

Ball indentation hardness in plastics is a measure of a material's resistance to indentation under the application of a specific force. It is a common method used to assess the mechanical properties of plastics, especially for quality control and material selection purposes.


The test involves pressing a spherical ball (usually made of a hard material like steel or tungsten carbide) into the surface of the plastic specimen with a defined force. The force applied and the resulting indentation depth are measured. The hardness is then calculated using the following formula:

Hardness = Applied force / Indentation area


The indentation area is calculated based on the geometry of the indenter and the indentation depth.


There are different scales used to express ball indentation hardness, such as Rockwell, Vickers, and Brinell hardness scales. The choice of scale depends on the specific application and the expected hardness range of the plastic.


Ball indentation hardness is influenced by several factors, including the type of plastic, its molecular structure, temperature, and the rate of loading during the test. Different plastics will exhibit varying levels of hardness due to their unique properties and composition.


This hardness test is valuable because it provides insights into a plastic material's ability to withstand localized pressure and deformation, which can be crucial in determining its suitability for specific applications, such as engineering, manufacturing, and product design.


Overall, ball indentation hardness is a fundamental mechanical property that helps to assess the performance and durability of plastics in various real-world scenarios.

The melting point of a plastic refers to the temperature at which it transitions from a solid to a liquid state. Plastics are composed of long chains of polymers, and their melting points can vary significantly depending on their chemical composition and structure.


When plastic is heated to its melting point, the thermal energy breaks the intermolecular forces holding the polymer chains together, causing them to lose their solid structure and become a viscous liquid. The specific melting point of plastic is a crucial property, as it determines how it can be processed and molded into various shapes.


Different types of plastics have distinct melting points due to variations in their molecular arrangements. For instance, thermoplastics have relatively low melting points, and they can be repeatedly melted and molded. Examples include polyethylene, polypropylene, and polyvinyl chloride (PVC).


On the other hand, thermosetting plastics have higher melting points, and once they undergo a chemical curing process, they become rigid and cannot be re-melted or reshaped. Epoxy resins and phenolic resins are common examples of thermosetting plastics.


Understanding the melting point of plastics is vital for manufacturing processes, including injection molding, extrusion, and blow molding, as it enables precise control over the shaping and forming of plastic products. Additionally, knowing the melting point is essential for determining the appropriate temperature range during recycling processes, where plastics are melted and reprocessed into new materials.

HDT stands for Heat Deflection Temperature. It is an important property of plastic materials that measure their ability to withstand deformation under elevated temperatures.


HDT is determined by subjecting a plastic sample to a specific load while increasing the temperature. The temperature at which the sample starts to deform is recorded as the Heat Deflection Temperature. It indicates the point at which a plastic material begins to lose its rigidity and starts to soften.


HDT is crucial in applications where plastics are exposed to elevated temperatures, such as in automotive components, electrical enclosures, and various industrial uses. Higher HDT values signify better temperature resistance, making the plastic suitable for use in more demanding environments.


It's essential to note that different types of plastics have varying HDT values due to their distinct chemical compositions and molecular structures. Therefore, understanding a plastic's HDT helps in selecting the appropriate material for specific applications based on temperature requirements.

Density is a physical property that describes the mass of a substance per unit volume. Plastic resin is a type of polymer material used to produce various plastic products. The density of plastic resin can vary depending on its specific composition and type.


Typically, the density of plastic resin falls within a range of 0.9 to 1.5 grams per cubic centimeter (g/cm³). However, it's important to note that different types of plastic resins have distinct densities. For example, low-density polyethylene (LDPE) has a density of around 0.91 g/cm³, while highdensity polyethylene (HDPE) can have a density of about 0.95 g/cm³.


The density of plastic resin is crucial for various manufacturing processes, as it affects the weight and volume of the final product. Understanding the density helps in calculating the material requirements for production and determining the appropriate processing conditions during molding or extrusion.


By controlling the density of plastic resin, manufacturers can tailor the properties of the end product, such as its strength, flexibility, and durability. It also influences factors like buoyancy, thermal conductivity, and resistance to chemicals, making density an essential parameter in the selection and application of plastic resins for different purposes.

The softening point of plastic resins refers to the temperature at which the resin starts to soften and lose its shape, becoming more pliable and flexible. It is an essential property to determine the usability and application of a particular resin.


The softening point is primarily dependent on the type of polymer used in the resin. Different polymers have varying chemical compositions and structures, leading to distinct softening behaviors. The most common testing method to determine the softening point is the Vicat or Ring and Ball method.
In the Vicat test, a needle or a flat-ended plunger is used to penetrate the surface of the resin specimen at a controlled rate while the temperature is gradually increased. The temperature at which a specific penetration depth is reached is recorded as the softening point. In the Ring and Ball method, a small metal ball is placed on the resin surface inside a ring, and the temperature is increased until the ball sinks a predetermined distance into the softened resin.


The softening point is crucial in various applications, as it indicates the temperature range over which the resin can be molded, shaped, or processed. It is also relevant for assessing the heat resistance and stability of the resin in different environments. Resins with higher softening points are generally more suitable for applications requiring elevated temperature resistance.


Different plastic resins can have significantly different softening points. For example, polyethylene and polypropylene have relatively low softening points, making them suitable for applications requiring ease of processing. On the other hand, engineering plastics like polycarbonate or polyamide have higher softening points, making them suitable for applications where temperature resistance is important.


In summary, the softening point of plastic resins is a critical property that determines the temperature range over which the material can be shaped or processed. It is a valuable factor to consider when selecting a resin for specific applications, ensuring its performance and longevity in various conditions.

The term "brittleness point" is not a standard measure or property for plastic resins. Instead, plastic resins are commonly characterized by their glass transition temperature (Tg) or the temperature at which the material transitions from a rigid, glassy state to a more flexible, rubbery state.


The glass transition temperature is a critical property for plastics as it impacts their mechanical properties, such as flexibility, impact resistance, and dimensional stability. When a plastic resin is cooled below its glass transition temperature, it becomes more brittle and prone to cracking or fracturing under stress.


Plastic resins with higher glass transition temperatures tend to be more rigid and have better dimensional stability, while those with lower glass transition temperatures are more flexible and impact-resistant.


It's important to note that the glass transition temperature can vary widely depending on the type of plastic resin used, the specific formulation, and any additives or fillers incorporated into the material. Manufacturers and engineers consider this property carefully when selecting a plastic resin for specific applications.

The hardness of plastic resins is a measure of their ability to resist indentation or scratching. It is an essential mechanical property that determines the material's durability and suitability for specific applications.


There are different methods to measure hardness, but the most common one for plastic resins is the Rockwell hardness test. This test involves pressing a hardened steel or diamond cone into the material's surface and measuring the depth of penetration.


The hardness of plastic resins can be influenced by several factors, including their chemical composition, molecular structure, and processing techniques. Generally, harder plastic resins have tighter molecular structures and higher cross-linking, resulting in improved strength and rigidity.


Hardness is typically expressed on a scale of values, such as the Rockwell hardness scale (R-scale). Different types of plastic resins have varying hardness ranges, and the choice of material depends on the specific application requirements. For example, high-density polyethylene (HDPE) tends to be harder than low-density polyethylene (LDPE).


The hardness property is crucial in determining a plastic resin's ability to withstand wear, impact, and deformation under load. It also affects its resistance to environmental factors, such as temperature, chemicals, and UV radiation.


In summary, the hardness of plastic resins is a critical mechanical property that plays a vital role in the material's performance and application suitability. It is influenced by various factors and can be measured using different techniques like the Rockwell hardness test.

Shore D hardness is a measure of the hardness of plastic resins. It is a scale that ranges from 0 to 100, with higher values indicating greater hardness. Shore D hardness is specifically used to evaluate the hardness of rigid plastics and harder elastomers.


The test involves using a durometer, which is an instrument that presses a pointed indenter into the surface of the material. The depth of the indentation is then measured, and the hardness value is determined based on this measurement.


Plastic resins with higher Shore D values are generally more resistant to deformation and have greater rigidity. They are commonly used in applications that require durable and strong materials, such as automotive parts, industrial components, and various engineering applications.


It's important to note that the Shore D hardness is just one of the many properties used to assess the performance and suitability of plastic resins for specific applications. Other factors like flexibility, chemical resistance, and thermal stability also play crucial roles in determining the appropriate use of a plastic resin.

In the context of plastics, the term "glassy" refers to a state in which the plastic material has become rigid and brittle, similar to glass. This happens when the plastic is cooled down rapidly from a molten or amorphous state to below its glass transition temperature. In this state, the molecular chains of the plastic are frozen and do not have enough mobility to flow or deform easily, resulting in a hard and brittle material with properties similar to glass.

The "glassy plastic state" refers to a particular phase or state of matter observed in some amorphous or non-crystalline polymers. In this state, the polymer material exhibits properties of both glass and plastic. Here are some key details about the glassy plastic state:


Non-Crystalline Nature: Amorphous polymers lack a regular, repeating crystalline structure found in crystalline materials. Instead, their molecular chains are arranged in a disordered manner.


Glass Transition Temperature (Tg): The glass transition temperature is a critical characteristic of the glassy plastic state. It represents the temperature at which the polymer transitions from a rigid, glass-like state to a softer, rubbery or plastic-like state.


Glassy State: Below the glass transition temperature (Tg), the polymer remains in a glassy state. The polymer chains are frozen in a rigid and stable structure, exhibiting properties similar to glass, such as high stiffness and brittleness.


Plastic State: Above the glass transition temperature (Tg), the polymer enters the plastic state. Here, the molecular chains have increased mobility, leading to a softer and more flexible material, much like a typical plastic.


Transition Behavior: The transition between the glassy and plastic states is reversible and temperature-dependent. Cooling the polymer below Tg makes it return to the glassy state while heating it above Tg turns it back into the plastic state.


Applications: Understanding the glassy plastic state is essential in designing and processing polymers for various applications. For example, in injection molding, knowledge of the Tg allows manufacturers to maintain the polymer in a state suitable for processing and shaping.


The glassy plastic state is a fascinating property of amorphous polymers, and its control plays a crucial role in determining the material's behavior and utility in practical applications.

The intrinsic viscosity of PET plastic is a measure of the resistance of the polymer chains to flow, which is directly related to the molecular weight of the PET material. It is usually represented by the symbol "η" and is commonly measured in deciliters per gram (dL/g) or inverse relative viscosity units (cm^3/g).


The intrinsic viscosity can be determined experimentally by measuring the flow time of a dilute solution of PET polymer through a capillary viscometer. The flow time is then compared to the flow time of the pure solvent. The difference in flow times allows for the calculation of the intrinsic viscosity.


Higher intrinsic viscosity values indicate larger molecular weights of the PET polymer, which means longer and more entangled polymer chains. This characteristic influences the material's physical properties, such as strength, thermal stability, and barrier properties, making high-intrinsic-viscosity PET desirable for certain applications, such as beverage bottles and food packaging.


PET with lower intrinsic viscosity values is often used for applications that require flexibility, such as thin films or fibers. It's essential to control the intrinsic viscosity during PET production to ensure the desired properties and performance of the final plastic product.

The crystallinity of PET (Polyethylene terephthalate) plastic refers to the extent of its molecular arrangement in a crystalline structure. Crystallinity affects the material's properties like strength, stiffness, and transparency. PET can exist in both amorphous (non-crystalline) and crystalline forms.


During the manufacturing process, PET can form crystalline regions when it cools down slowly, leading to enhanced mechanical properties. The degree of crystallinity depends on factors like cooling rate, processing conditions, and additives.


Higher crystallinity results in increased stiffness and strength but reduced transparency and flexibility. On the other hand, amorphous PET exhibits greater transparency and flexibility but lower mechanical strength.


Balancing the crystallinity is crucial for PET's performance in different applications, such as packaging, fibers, and engineering plastics, where the desired properties vary based on the specific end-use requirements.

L color and b color are parameters used to describe the color of PET (Polyethylene Terephthalate) plastic resin.


L color (Lightness): It measures the brightness or lightness of the color. A higher L value indicates a lighter color, while a lower value indicates a darker color.


b color (Yellow-Blue axis): It represents the position of the color on the yellow-blue axis. A positive b value indicates a more yellowish color, while a negative b value indicates a more bluish color.


These color parameters are essential in assessing the quality and consistency of PET plastic resin for various applications, such as in the production of bottles, containers, and other plastic products.

Haze in plastic refers to the cloudy or translucent appearance that occurs when light is scattered or diffused within the material. It is a visual effect caused by the dispersion of light as it passes through the plastic, leading to reduced clarity and a milky or hazy appearance.


Haze can be influenced by various factors, including the type of polymer used, the processing conditions, and the presence of additives or impurities. One of the primary causes of haze is the presence of micro-scale imperfections, such as voids, particles, or phase separations within the plastic. These imperfections can scatter light, preventing it from passing through the material in a straight path and resulting in the hazy appearance.


Manufacturers strive to minimize haze in plastic products, especially in applications where optical clarity is essential, such as in transparent packaging, lenses, or display screens. Various methods are employed to reduce haze, such as optimizing the polymer composition, controlling the processing parameters, and incorporating additives that reduce scattering and improve transparency.


Overall, haze in plastic is an important consideration in the design and production of plastic materials, as it directly impacts their visual appearance and performance in specific applications.

Flammability in plastics refers to their susceptibility to catch fire and sustain combustion. It is an essential property to consider, especially in applications where fire safety is critical. The flammability of plastics is influenced by their chemical composition, processing methods, and additives used during manufacturing.


Several factors contribute to a plastic's flammability:


Chemical Structure: The presence of certain chemical groups in the polymer chain can make plastics more or less flammable. For instance, plastics with halogenated compounds (e.g., chlorine or bromine) tend to be less flammable due to their ability to release flame-retardant gases during combustion.


Ignition Temperature: The temperature at which a plastic can start to burn is called its ignition temperature. Plastics with lower ignition temperatures are more flammable and can ignite more easily.


Combustion Rate: This refers to how quickly the plastic burns once ignited. Plastics with higher combustion rates can lead to more rapid and intense fires.


Flame Spread: Some plastics support the spread of flames along their surface, making fires more challenging to control.


Smoke and Toxic Gas Emissions: Burning plastics often release smoke and toxic gases, which can pose additional hazards to both life and property.


Fire Resistance and Flame Retardants: To improve fire safety, manufacturers may incorporate flame retardants into plastics. These additives work by reducing the flammability and slowing down the combustion process.


Plastics are typically classified into different flammability categories based on standardized testing methods, such as UL 94, which assesses the material's ability to self-extinguish after exposure to a flame. The classifications include V-0 (most flame-resistant), V-1, V-2, HB, and others, with V-0 being the highest fire resistance level.


Overall, understanding the flammability characteristics of plastics helps in selecting the appropriate material for specific applications and ensures compliance with safety regulations.